By: Rabbi Bernath

Eighty years ago, when the gates of Auschwitz were opened, the unspeakable was revealed. Jewish children were burned alive using Zyklon B gas, chosen by the Nazis because it saved them less than half a cent per child. Back then, a Jewish child wasn’t even worth a fraction of a penny.
Sixty-nine years ago, when a Bulgarian MiG fighter jet shot down an El Al plane, killing all 58 passengers, the Bulgarian government compensated the families with $3,000 per life. The value of a Jewish life had risen.
Twenty-two years ago, Saddam Hussein offered $25,000 to the families of suicide bombers who murdered Jews. To him, a Jewish life was worth $25,000.
And now, today, we’ve seen the horrifying calculation that one Jewish life is valued at 58.9 terrorists.
But as we reflect on these numbers, we must ask ourselves: How much is a Jewish life worth to me? Not in terms of dollars, but in my actions, in my dedication to Jewish life, Jewish identity, and the Jewish future.

Today, we welcomed home Agam Berger, who was originally set to be released on Shabbat. In a poignant twist, her release took place two days earlier, this Thursday. Agam kept Shabbat—and now, Shabbat kept her.
Perhaps this is an opportunity for us all to keep Shabbat together this week, to affirm the eternal value of Am Yisrael.
The Jewish people are priceless. We cannot afford to lose even one precious soul.
Through your involvement, your mitzvot, and your commitment, we will continue to go from strength to strength. Am Yisrael Chai!
Join Agam in lighting Shabbat candles this week at 4:55 PM (time for NYC).
Shabbat Shalom!