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Raging Waters

Yehuda Pevzner

This week’s Torah portion is Parshat Noah. In this week’s Parsha, we learn about the great flood that happened during Noah’s times. The verse describes Noah as being a righteous person in his generation. Some commentators teach that this comes to tell us about Noah’s uniqueness; he was the only virtuous person in his whole generation. Others analyze this verse to mean that he was only considered noble in comparison to his immoral generation. In other generations, he wouldn’t stand out as being especially righteous.

We know that the Torah does not speak bad about any of G-d’s creations. Even impure animals are referred to by the words “Lo Tahor,” which means non-pure as opposed to the simpler usage of the word “Tamei”, which would mean impure. Why, then, does the Torah tell us about this negative view of Noah’s behavior? What are we to learn from Noah’s conduct?

To answer this question, let’s go back to the Parsha. Noah is commanded to build and enter the Teiva, the ark. The ark symbolizes a place of holiness and purity; the Torah and the Mitzvot. When in the “ark” of Torah and Mitzvot, you are connected to positivity. You will be saved from the floods of the outside world.

One may err and think that only a person as righteous as Noah can enter the ark and be saved. The Torah tells us this is not the case. On the contrary, Noah wasn’t even such a saint! Yet, he was saved from the flood, by entering the ark.

We, too, can be protected from the raging waters around us, whatever they may be. We all have the opportunity to connect to G-dliness, through learning Torah and fulfilling the Mitzvot.

May our Mitzvah be the last Mitzvah to tip the scales of the world for good, and usher in Moshiach immediately!

Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom!

Candle lighting (NYC) at 6:08 PM


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